A 17-year-old male patient was admitted to our hospital with history of blunt trauma over chest (run over by a tractor). Patient was first attended at a peripheral hospital where he was intubated with single lumen endotracheal tube and given assisted mechanical ventilation. Intercostal drains were put on right and left side of chest. There were massive subcutaneous emphysema, pneumomediastinum and pneumothorax in left lung on chest X-ray. Fiber-optic bronchoscopy was performed. At the carina level, it was seen that the right main bronchus was completely ruptured from the trachea. Patient was planned for immediate thoracotomy. The rupture was repaired of a primary. On the seventh postoperative day, there was incomplet expansion of the left lung. The patient was reoperated. Necrotic tissues and hematoma in upper lobe of left lung were cleared. In this case, we emphasized that bronchoscopy is the most important procedure in the diagnosis of tracheobronchial injury.
Keywords: Trauma, tracheal rupture, bronchoscopy17 yaşında erkek hasta traktörün göğsünün üzerinden geçmesi sonucu künt travma hikayesi ile hastanemize getirildi. Hasta perifer hastanede tek lümenli endotrakeal tüp ile entübe edilmiş ve mekanik ventilasyon desteği verilmiş. Göğüs sağ ve sol tarafına interkostal dren uygulanmış. Akciğer grafisinde yaygın cilt altı amfizem, pnömomediastinum ve sol akciğerinde ekspansiyon kusuru vardı. Fiberoptik bronkoskopi yapıldı. Karina seviyesinde sağ ana bronşun trakeadan komplet rüptüre olduğu görüldü. Hastaya acil torakotomi planlandı. Rüptür primer tamir edildi. Postop 7. gün sol akciğerde ekspansiyon kusuru vardı. Hasta tekrar opere edildi. Sol akciğer üst lobdaki nekrotik dokular ve hematom temizlendi. Bu olguda bronkoskopinin trakeobronşial yaralanmanın teşhisinde en önemli prosedür olduğunu vurguladık.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Travma, trakeal rüptür, bronkoskopi